“Belarus-3” TV channel, Belarus
In Belarusian philharmonic state society took place the concert of Honored ensemble of Belarus Republic, “Camerata” vocal group. “Belarus-3” TV-channel organized and exclusive translation of the author concert in the federal broadcast.
Concert with the new musical program “The wings”, which was presented by the group, was dedicated to the anniversary of the cooperation of the group with the Belarusian state philharmonic society. For 25 years already the group is the official ensemble or the philharmonic society and represent the Belarusian culture at the big event inside the country and on the international summits.
“Belarus-Culture” TV-channel, Belarus
The solo concert of the “Camerata” vocal group took place in the Belarusian state philharmonic society.
This group is a rare guest in the capital. So its not a surprise that the main hall of the Belarusian state philharmonic society was completely full. The program included already known compositions love by the audience and new songs. And that new things consisted of surprised for the people. The song “Between Heaven and Earth” written by Olga Vorobieva was performed by the vocalist with “Belarusian Robertino Loretti” Juriy Demidovich.
The unique of “musical phrases” by Camerata based not only on the highest quality. It also presents in the genre which the group gives to the audience. First of all it’s the ensemble author music which contains the elements of almost all known styles and directions. The performing manner of Belarusian musicians based in a cappella with the technique of microphone singing with the simultaneous electronic voice post-processing…
“ONT” TV Channel, Belarus
The London Quartet и Camerata on the same stage: one shared concert of the worldwide know groups from Belarus and Great Britain
That special Britain humor sound from the scene of the Big hall of the Belarusian state philharmonic society. Worldwide known “London quartet” performs Christmas sketches on the music language. And honored Belarusian ensemble “Camerata” holds the note of the gala concert.
Bruce Backnell, Her Majesty’s British&Nothern Ireland Ambassador to the Republic of Belarus:
“I’m very glad, that our quartet performed two times in Minsk. We are lucky that English language is so important in the modern world. Also, there is strong request for it in Belarus”
Alexander Dovnar, soloist of the “Camerata” group: “We have seen the London quartet show several times. It’s not the case when the people just come out on seen and perform the composition in static. By the way, that format of art is very popular abroad. You just cant imagine how many a cappella groups, ensembles and bands exist in Western Europe”.
Tuzinfm.by, musical internet-media, Belarus
!OUT: Review of the new music album “Between Heaven and Earth” by Camerata vocal group
“Attention: no music instruments were used in this record” – this note you can see on new Camerata album “Between Heaven and Earth”. The vocal group presented the audience exciting travel to Europe, to the Middle East, but first of all- to Belarus. Most of the compositions are inspired by Belarusian folk. Camerata vocalists can imitate all the musical instruments and also reproduce different languages and meta-languages … It’s pure impressionism, the music of impressions.
Almost all the material, presented on the disk, was created by one of the vocalists of Camerara, Olga Vorobieva. “This album differs from the previous, because its closer to the world-music. Everything we heard or seen somewhere, immediately goes to the score. It’s very interesting to create something of your own, something that nobody have already created in a cappella genre”. Also all the time Belarusian authenticity stays for us as a very rich source of inspiration”, — said Olga.
“Republic of Karelia”, Information Agency, Russia
The Belarusian group Camerata gave a concert in the Karelian State Philharmonic at the Onego-Classic festival. Belarusian group «Camerata»
Belorusskiye muzykanty soshli na karel’skuyu zemlyu rannim utrom v maykakh. V dozhd’. Zamerzli. No vecherom dali goryachitel’nyy kontsert. Tol’ko golosami. Tol’ko serdtsami. Sem’ minskikh ognedyshashchikh vokalistov-kameratistov. Belorusy s pervykh zvukov pokazali publike, chto golos mozhet zamenit’ ne tol’ko vse instrumenty v orkestre, no i elektronnyye primochki, semply, golosa prirody i voobshche lyubyye zvuki na zemle.
Bukval’no s pervoy pesni publika ponyala, chto prisutstvuyet na chem-to unikal’nom, nevidannom i neslykhannom. I posle kazhdogo nomera zal blagodarno busheval, nesmotrya na vneshneye nesootvetstviye takomu rok-n-roll’nomu povedeniyu. Artisty byli raznaryazheny pod akademicheskoye deystvo. A vyshlo neozhidanno vol’no i nepredskazuyemo. Kogda oni speli smes’ folka, spirichuelsa, roka i rechitativa pod nazvaniyem «A moya lyubov’ vyshe zolota» — nikto ne somnevalsya. Vyshe! Osobenno kogda tebya ubezhdayut v etom takimi zolotymi golosami.
Belarusian musicians descended on Karelian land in the early morning in T-shirts. In the rain. They were frozen. But in the evening they gave an intense concert. Only by voices. Only by hearts. Seven of Minsk fire-breathing vocalists-kamertists. Belarusians from the first sounds showed the public that the voice can replace not only all instruments in the orchestra, but also electronic gadgets, samples, voices of nature and in general any sounds on earth.
Literally from the first song, the public realized that it was on something unique, unprecedented and unheard of. And after each number the hall gratefully thanked, despite the external discrepancy to such rock-and-roll behavior. The artists were outfitted for academic performance. And it turned out unexpectedly freely and unpredictably. When they sang a mixture of folk, spiritual, rock and recitative titled «And my love is above gold» — no one doubted. Higher! Especially when you are convicted of this with such golden voices.
News agency Trends, Azerbaijan
We sing that no one is singing yet — the Belarusian group Camerata
The vocal group «Camerata» belongs to those collectives who are said to have made themselves. They have existed since 1986. During its existence, Camerata has traveled from the ensemble, gathered on the basis of the common interests of its participants, to the professional team. «Camerata» is, first of all, the author’s music of the ensemble. And it includes elements of different styles and directions of modern music.
But, the main thing is that the performing manner of Belarusian musicians is based on the use of singing a cappella (in fact, it was precisely from this that they were invited to «Golden Autumn») in combination with the technique of microphone singing with the simultaneous processing of voices by means of electronics. At a press conference, the musicians told, that at concerts «Cameratas» spectators have a feeling of performing a large symphony orchestra with the participation of exotic instruments.
Cologne Review/ Kölnische Rundschau, Germany
Festival. Speech «Camerata» in the «Enden Autumn»
The opening of the «Enden Autumn» of this year in the hall of Springmaus had an international connotation … With the support of the Ambassador of the Republic of Belarus, the host of the festival Andreas Etienne and CDU Attaché for Cultural Affairs Markus Shuk presented the vocal group Camerata, which gained fame not only in Eastern Europe …
In addition to several church songs and jazz compositions in the program of the group, only their own works. And to take them to a particular genre is extremely difficult. They can rather be defined as sensual ballads with shades of pop genre and unusual effects. What the seven singers and singers presented with the technical support of their sound engineer was undoubtedly the culture of singing the highest class.
The band does not try to stand in a row with an infinite number of vocal ensembles … The breadth of the voice range is simply incredible, the effects, from the twitter of birds and ending with the lines of melodies that seem to float in weightlessly, do not cease to amaze.
The Taunus newspaper / Taunus Zeitung, Germany
Sound travel around the Belarusian soul
Friedrichsdorf. In the hall «Garnier’s Keller» there is a chirping, chirping and tapping, the waves are breaking about the shore, the waterfalls are noisy … these are the voices of seven ladies and gentlemen who, with the help of sounds, entice the audience into the spring forest. There is no doubt that behind the title «Camerata» are hidden the most real miracles of the voice. At the invitation of the city department for culture affairs, the vocal group from Belarus is speaking at the «Garnier’s Keller».
A distinctive feature of singers … is the following: they need only a microphone with an echo effect, everything else to them to anything. Thanks to their clear as glass and just infinitely changing voices, they themselves are a large orchestra: saxophone, double bass, synthesizer and even a trumpet.
The last one is most noticeable in the performance of the number of Louis Armstrong: if you do not open your eyes, it seems that Satchmo is standing under the roof of the hall and singing his love song «They Can not Take That Away From Me» … Camerata ensured that even complex in the performance of the Gregorian songs they are given without visible efforts …
North Sea Newspaper newspaper / Nordsee-Zeitung, Germany
The group from Minsk convince
Bremerhaven. “If you will hear several birds flying up the scene – that’s US!”. With this words “Camerata” vocal group from Belarus presented their composition “Belarusian forest”. Although seven members of the group didn’t fly up the scene, the hall was full of concert with birds chirping and whistling … For this carpet of sounds vocalists put melodies, and there was not doubt in it’s Belarusian origin when you hear it – it was amazing tribute to the motherland.
.. It is very difficult to determine the stylistic affiliation of the ensemble, since elements of different origins are combined here: the Belarusian-Slavic base is enriched and linked into a unique whole by jazz harmonies, blues rhythms, spiritual elements and Latin American motifs. It will not be difficult for them to fulfill both the strict Orthodox church chant of the biblical song «Nobody knows the trouble I’ve seen», as well as the believable singing of the «Bulgarian fantasy» or the exalted representation of the Belarusian folk customs.
Frankenpost city and district Hof newspaper / Frankenpost Stadt und Landkreis Hof, Germany
Moment of divine
With the “Camerata” group something new came to us, something that nobody heard in our region before and maybe will not hear again soon: group from for female and three male singers who bring the listeners to the other worlds. Only author compositions we presented, in which singing was mixed with the voices of birds and sound of the forest, creating the music of Heaven. Thanx to the endearing clear intonations, unbelievable sound range, a virtuosic usage of the hall and it’s echo the group from Minsk created almost unreal and indescribable beautiful music.
This seven people always knew swing, but also with the light elegance they presented the audience Lois Armstrong song. The listeners stand and for applauds. And what was the host country opinion? “If there are goddess moments, it’s the moments when Camerata is singing”
North Bavarian courier newspaper / Nordbayerischer Kurier, Germany
An extra-class delight for the ears
Bayreuth. Especially serious effect was made my four women and three men of the “Camerata” from Belarus. They have created strictly structured musical voltage which went far forward from the borders of usual expectations, they ‘ve fasten the tempo, have given more variety and have held this high quality till the end. It’s the extra-class delight for the ears.
Perfectly balanced voices have created the impression of the whole orchestra but also created rarely beautiful and soft sounds.
Bavarian Review / Bayerische Rundschau, Germany
One of the most important cultural events of the year
Kulmbach. Song arrangements of high-class were heard after a short pause. Four women and three man from Camerata brought us to world which could be found rarely, the world of dreams and sounds!”
Franconian day newspaper / Fränkischer Tag, Germany
The most important event in the that kind of music art
Bamberg. The true surprise of the audience was caused by
“Camerata” group performance at the second part of the party. During “Six pack” performance the audience reaction was good, but than people were really excited by the extraordinary voice flexibility of 4 ladies and 3 gentlemen’s from Minsk (Belarus). Sky- ethereal watercolor of sound turned the public to a totally different musical performance. Thanx to the songs of Lois Armstrong and Ella Fitzgerald it transformed to the extravagant and despite of that clear and understandable Big-Band concert. Their performance is not only the most important event of the “A capella night” but also of the history of the that kind of the musical art.